Avoiding Two Logins for AdSystem™ Online

Two Logins are Annoying When logging into remote servers, such as used by AdSystem™ Online, you are usually required to enter a user name and password before you are allowed to access the server.  This login followed by the login to AdSystem itself means that you may have to login twice when accessing AdSystem Online.  … Continued

Faster Finds With Improved Search Screen

It’s easier than ever to search and find advertiser information within AdSystem6. Our enhanced find screen is simpler, faster and offers expanded search options. For example, suppose you want to find all of the companies in Pittsburgh with a contact person named Dave? By entering the search name, the system will find contacts regardless of … Continued

Group Sales Report Added

Have you ever wished that you could select a group of customers and compare their sales over time? AdSystem’s new Group Sales Report allows you to do just that.   In the past you’ve had to rely on the built-in sales reports, which can give you sales by rep, advertiser, geographical area or demographic. But, … Continued

Sales Planning Feature Released

AdSystem Release 6 has been enhanced with a new Sales Planning Feature. Designed to streamline sales reps’ plans, goals and forecasting, the new AdSystem Sales Planning Feature is the ideal tool to make your sales efforts more efficient and profitable. The Sales Planning Feature allows you to create sales plans for upcoming issues. You can … Continued

AdSystem 6

  New AdSystem Features / Enhancements E-Billing & Tear Sheets One of AdSystem 6’s most popular features has been the ability to e-mail invoices to customers.  Sending your invoices via e-mail is cheaper and faster than mailing printed invoices, and it results in quicker payments.  An updated version of Electronic Invoicing, or E-Billing, is even … Continued

AdSystem Online

Move to AdSystem Online and get the Release 6 Upgrade for Free! One benefit of AdSystem Online is that all updates and upgrades are included in your monthly subscription fee.  Customers that are running older versions of AdSystem can switch over to AdSystem Online and get an upgrade to AdSystem 6 at no additional charge. … Continued