How To Set Up Email in AdSystem

AdSystem has been updated to meet the latest security protocols for email authentication. This means that the steps to set up your email in AdSystem have changed. Even if you have set up email in AdSystem before, you will need to follow these steps. We’ll be rolling this change out in waves. We’ll reach out … Continued

Are You Using All of AdSystem’s Features?

Did you know that AdSystem has a dedicated CRM portal just for your sales staff? Or that it has e-invoicing, automated reporting, and dedicated portals for your customers to upload ads and pay you? Best of all, all of these features are included with AdSystem Online. If any of these features caught your attention, please … Continued

Are you using AdPortal?

AdPortal Online is a useful product offered free of charge to all AdSystem Online Customers.  AdPortal creates a link between you and your advertisers to conveniently exchange ad materials.  It gives you a simple way to automate receiving and organizing the ad materials you receive, and it gives your customers a hassle-free way to submit … Continued

AdSystem Packages

It is becoming increasingly common to sell advertising package deals to customers. AdSystem has recently been updated with the ability to intuitively and easily handle packages. What Are Packages? Packages allow you to bundle multiple ads together into a single purchase for the customer. This gives you greater flexibility in billing and selling ads to … Continued

AdRep Release 6 Now Available!

We are proud to announce that a new version of AdRep is now available! We’ve completely re-designed AdRep, and we are proud to announce that it is ready for use!  Best of all, AdRep is free to all AdSystem Online Users!  Just email our support team at and we’ll get you started! New Application … Continued

AdSystem Online Update – October 2016

AdSystem 6.1 was released in October 2016 with the following new features: Electronic Invoicing Historically the problem with emailing billings to customers has been the fact that you never know whether or not the customer received the bill.  Spam firewalls, bad email addresses and employee turnover all create a problem with emailed invoices.  If your … Continued

AdSystem Online Update – April 2016

AdSystem™ Online was recently updated to the latest version. The update includes numerous minor changes and the following enhancements: A new, faster Internet connection was installed at our AdSystem Online data center.  The new connection is over twice as fast as the old one and will provide our expanding customer base with improved performance. Installment … Continued

AdSystem Online Update – February 2016

AdSystem™ Online was recently updated with numerous minor changes and the following enhancements: A new notification window which appears whenever updates are installed.  This notification makes it easy for users to see that AdSystem has been updated and to learn about new features and enhancements. Integration with AdPortal™ Online, our new web-based ad portal.  AdPortal Online … Continued