How to Upload Groups to MailChimp

As you may have read in a previous blog post AdSystem now features MailChimp integration.  This post is meant to explain how to sync groups to MailChimp. MailChimp® is a leading e-commerce application that makes it easy to email your customers and prospects.  It is an excellent way to create and send emails from scratch or templates, … Continued

AdSystem Instructional Videos

We are happy to announce the release of 17 new instructional videos! Have you ever had a question about AdSystem, but didn’t have the time to call our support team?  Or maybe you hired a new employee and are looking to teach them how to use AdSystem?  Maybe you just forgot how to do something … Continued

E-Mailing Invoices in AdSystem

For a demo of AdSystem’s E-Mail Invoicing click here. Invoicing is Good Sending invoices is good and getting paid is even better.  After you have sold and published an ad you can send the customer an invoice and then you get paid. Sending invoices by e-mail is awesome because it means you’ll get paid more quickly. … Continued

Faster Finds With Improved Search Screen

It’s easier than ever to search and find advertiser information within AdSystem6. Our enhanced find screen is simpler, faster and offers expanded search options. For example, suppose you want to find all of the companies in Pittsburgh with a contact person named Dave? By entering the search name, the system will find contacts regardless of … Continued

Sales Planning Feature Released

AdSystem Release 6 has been enhanced with a new Sales Planning Feature. Designed to streamline sales reps’ plans, goals and forecasting, the new AdSystem Sales Planning Feature is the ideal tool to make your sales efforts more efficient and profitable. The Sales Planning Feature allows you to create sales plans for upcoming issues. You can … Continued