1 min read

We recognize that the features and quality of a software package are only part of the experience that you pay for. Of equal importance is the support experience that you receive. At Datafest, we pride ourselves on having the best support in the industry. Please feel free to reach out to us whenever you have a question or issue arise. Our main support channels are through email at support@datafest.com or by phone at 801-261-4608 Ext. 3. We are available from 8 AM to 6 PM, Mountain Time.

Occasionally, you may have an urgent issue or question arise. In these cases, we encourage you to include the word ‘urgent’ in the subject line of your email. Especially during non-business hours, this will notify our support staff and help us to resolve the issue in a timely manner.

Thank you for being a loyal customer. Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do to help!
