2 min read

AdSystem Online includes a number of features that are not available to self-hosted AdSystem customers.  These features are included at no extra charge for all AdSystem Online customers.

E-Mail Connector

The E-Mail connector provides a connection between your email server and AdSystem so that incoming and outgoing conversations between your AdSystem users and customers are saved in AdSystem.  Now any emails you send to customers from your smartphone, Outlook or other email client will appear in AdSystem’s activity log along with any emails they send to you.

Payment Portal

AdSystem’s Credit Card Module now provides a Payment Portal where your customers can go to submit credit card payments.  When you email invoices to customers, they can contain a “Click Here to Pay” link.  That link directs them to a website branded with your publication name where they can securely submit credit card information to pay invoices.  Their credit card will then be submitted to your processor automatically.  Confirmation emails are sent to the customer and to selected members of your staff acknowledging the receipt.



AdSystem has long had the ability to email invoices to customers, but the new E-Billings option solves a key problem related to electronic invoicing – how do you know whether or not the invoice was received and will be paid?

AdSystem’s E-Billings option provides the ability to email invoices in an embedded HTML format that allows us to track whether the invoice was viewed / opened by the recipient. Customers can optionally download a PDF of their invoice.  All views / downloads of invoices are logged in AdSystem providing a history of activity ensuring that invoices are delivered and opened.



AdSystem Online includes AutoReports, which are automatically generated and emailed reports.  You can choose from a menu of AutoReports and arrange to have them emailed to you on a regular recurring basis.  Examples of AutoReports include:

  • Sales Summary by Publication
  • Sales Summary by Sales Rep
  • Activity Summary by Rep
  • Expiring Advertisers
  • Past-Due Invoices
  • Missing Prepayments
  • Deadline Reminders




AdPortal is a website where your advertisers can upload ad materials directly into AdSystem.  Using AdSystem you can email materials requests to your advertisers with a link to AdPortal.  When advertisers upload materials to AdPortal they are automatically linked to the ad order in AdSystem.  Production milestones are triggered automatically and emails are automatically sent to production and sales staff.

Many of these options require some additional setup, so if you’d like to start taking advantage of them, just contact Datafest support.

