Support & Training Resources for AdSystem Online
We want you to make the most out of AdSystem Online. After all, the quality and features of AdSystem are only helpful if you make use of them. We love it when you take advantage of these features, and it is important to us that you are informed, understand how to use these features, and can quickly and easily have any question answered. We have many support and training resources created just for the purpose of making sure that you are informed and knowledgeable. We’ve separated these resources into three categories: Training, Support, and Ongoing Tips. Here we would like to explain more about each one:
On-Site Training Classes
On-Site training is the most effective way for us to train multiple users from various departments in a short period of time. Datafest will send a trainer to your office for on-site training classes. Our trainer will come prepared with training manuals and a projector with a curriculum specifically designed for your company’s needs. Typical on-site training classes include 2 to 4 days of classroom training, using computers. Separate classes are held for each of your various departments and each group of users will typically attend multiple sessions that less than 90 minutes each.
A typical on-site training session includes classes for sales reps, order entry people, billing and accounting people, production people and system administrators.
Online Training Sessions
Online Training sessions allow you to receive personalized training directly from one of our experienced employees. Online training sessions are handled using GoToMeeting, an online meeting software service. This enables one or more user in your office to connect to a member of our support team through an Internet connection as well as by telephone. Each user can participate in the meeting from his or her desk. GoToMeeting enables each user to see the trainer’s screen or other users’ screens as needed. Our support representative can either show you how to complete actions in AdSystem, or can walk you through the steps depending on the situation. Online training is cost-effective because it eliminates the travel expenses of on-site training.
Usually multiple training sessions are scheduled to allow various departments to receive personalized training. To schedule an online training session, send an email to or call 801-261-4608 Ext. 3.
Online Training Videos
We have recently begun making a number of training videos that cover many different topics. At the time of this post we have 24 videos here on the blog, and we will keep posting more as we make them. These videos are a great way to help a new employee get oriented and learn basic actions in AdSystem, review features and functions, and learn more about the system. All of our videos are posted here on the blog, and as shown in the image below you can find them by accessing the Videos page in the menu.
How to Find the AdSystem Manual
Did you know that AdSystem has a built-in manual? This is a great resource for quick and easy references. You can find it by going to the help button in the toolbar, then clicking on contents. As seen below, the manual has 11 chapters explaining the various features of the system. You can even print out this manual for easy referencing.
Datafest Support Team
Our customer support is the best in the industry. Most questions and issues are resolved immediately. Our staff is experienced, knowledgeable and takes personal responsibility for our customers’ issues.
We know that you aren’t just another sale, you are a valued customer who is appreciated and accommodated. Datafest was created because we wanted to make great, useful software that makes your publishing business easier to manage. The only way that we can be successful as a business is if you like AdSystem as much as we do. Our support team is here for you, so please don’t hesitate to contact them for anything.
Contacting Support
Our support team can answer your questions accurately and resolve your issues quickly via phone or email. Our support hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountain Time, Monday through Friday.
801-261-4608 Ext. 3
Ongoing Tips
Datafest Blog
We use this blog to notify you of any tips and tricks that you may find useful when using AdSystem. We are constantly updating AdSystem and adding new features, and this is the best place to learn in-depth about these features and how to use them. Additionally, we will often choose our topics from commonly asked questions, as well as other useful tips to help you exploit every feature in AdSystem. Following the blog will help you stay on top of the newest developments with AdSystem and our family of publishing products.
Email Updates
A few times a year we’ll send you an email to notify you of any update or new features added to AdSystem, as well as other important announcements. We don’t want these emails to be a nuisance, so we’ll only send them to you sparingly. However, we always include important information in these emails. Reading these emails and the blog posts are the best way to stay in the know of what we are doing here at Datafest, and take full advantage of AdSystem.
Is there a certain topic or question that you would like us to answer in a blog post? Send our support team a quick email to let us know and we’ll address it!