4 min read

Automated Reporting

Did you know that you can automate AdSystem’s reporting feature?  You can receive reports of what is happening in AdSystem without needing to log into the program.  This feature helps both frequent and infrequent users to stay up-to-date on activity in AdSystem without having to constantly log in and check AdSystem for updates.  Auto Reporting sends reports via email on a specified interval.

What is Auto Reporting?

Auto Reporting is part of AdSystem’s integrated reporting feature.  It can be accessed through the reporting menu.  It gives you the option of choosing from many popular reports to be sent directly to an email inbox.  You select a report to use, who will receive it, the time of day and starting date for the report to be sent, and then on what interval they will receive it.  You can choose to have the report sent on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis as well as at the beginning or end of each month.  This is a great tool for keeping you and your team up-to-date on recent activity with your clients.

How do I use it?

First, let’s review using non-automated reports.  Reports are accessed in the toolbar of AdSystem.  You will find various different classes and reports available.  To run a non-automated report, select it and click run to configure it.

To learn about the differences in running AutoReports vs non-automated reports, please see the following video:


What reports are available with Auto Reporting?


Aged ReceivablesA listing of all accounts having one or more open items. 
Cash Receipts DetailA listing of cash receipts and credits applied over a period of time. View Sample
Accounts on HoldA listing of Accounts on hold View Sample
My Accounts on HoldA listing of my accounts on hold 
Past Due InvoicesA listing of past-due invoices View Sample
Installment Invoice Reminder ReportA listing of installment invoices that are scheduled to be created. View Sample
Installment Invoice Problems ReportA listing of installment contracts whose total does not match the total of installment invoices for that contract. 
Emailed Invoices Not OpenedA report listing e-invoices that were emailed over a period which have not been opened by the recipient. View Sample


My RemindersA report listing your activity reminders. View Sample
Activity Summary by Rep (calls, emails, etc.)A report summarizing activity over a period of time by sales rep. View Sample
My Activity Summary ReportA report summarizing my activity over a period of time. View Sample


Sales Rep GoalA report showing goals for each sales rep. 
Sales PipelineA report detailing accounts progress through the sales pipeline. 
Sales SummaryA report detailing a complete summary of sales for a given time period. View Sample
New Orders Detail ReportA listing of new ad orders entered over a period of time, broken down by sales rep.  Can be run daily, weekly, or monthly. View Sample
My New Orders Detail ReportA listing of new ad orders entered over a period of time, broken down by sales rep.  Can be run daily, weekly, or monthly. 
Expiring Ads Report                                                            A listing of ads that expire after the next scheduled issue(s), grouped by sales rep. View Sample
My Expiring Ads ReportA listing of my ads that expire after the next scheduled issue(s), grouped by sales rep. 
Bookings Summary ReportA report summarizing bookings to date by publication and by sales rep, comparing with prior years. View Sample
Sales Summary YTD ReportA report showing sales YTD both by publication and by rep. Compares YTD with Last Year to Date.
Sales by Issue ReportA report showing sales by issue for recent (+-120 days) issues.
Sales Summary by Issue by RepA report summarizing sales by sales rep for the next scheduled issue(s). 

Have any questions or not sure how to get started?  Please don’t hesitate to contact Datafest Support.
