4 min read

So you’re new to AdSystem? We’re so glad to have you on board!  We know that transitioning to a new system can be a change, but we are confident that you are going to love AdSystem just as much as we do!  Your understanding and knowledge of the system are of utmost importance to us.  In this post we’ve put together a few tips and things you can do to make your transition to our system seamless and quick:

  • Participate in training classes
  • Don’t hesitate to contact our support team!
  • Use the blog
  • Watch our training videos

Learn more about these support and training resources here.

Training Classes

We highly recommend that new users participate in a training class.  Training classes are included with the purchase of AdSystem, and are offered by our experienced support staff.  These classes are offered live, meaning that you have full access to our support staff to ask any questions and get started in the program.  Contact our support staff today to schedule a training class.

Talk to Support

Our customer support is the best in the industry.  Most questions and issues are resolved immediately.  Our staff is experienced, knowledgeable and takes personal responsibility for our customers’ issues.  The only way we can count ourselves as successful is if you like AdSystem just as much as we do.  Support is free to AdSystem Online users.  Please don’t hesitate to call us at 801-261-4608 ext. 3 or send us an email at support@datafest.com anytime.

Visit the Blog Often

It looks like you’ve already found the blog, but don’t forget to check back often.  We continually post articles about using AdSystem, as well as announcements about new products, update, and features.  This post about included features in AdSystem Online and this post about Drop Out reports are good places to start.

Watch our Training Videos

Here on the blog we have a library of over 30 videos describing how to use AdSystem.  Each video is only a few minutes long.  Have a question that isn’t covered in one of the videos that you think should be?  Please contact our support staff, and we’ll try to get a video made as soon as we can.  The video library can be accessed in the toolbar of the blog, on this page.  Below we have posted a few videos that new users may find useful.
