AdSystem 6
New AdSystem Features / Enhancements
E-Billing & Tear Sheets
One of AdSystem 6’s most popular features has been the ability to e-mail invoices to customers. Sending your invoices via e-mail is cheaper and faster than mailing printed invoices, and it results in quicker payments. An updated version of Electronic Invoicing, or E-Billing, is even better — with the added ability to provide electronic tearsheets and to verify that the customer has received the invoice.
One problem with e-mailing invoices is getting confirmation that your customer has received them. If you rely exclusively on e-mailed invoices, then your cash flow becomes subject to the vagaries of e-mail systems, firewalls, and spam filters. You might not realize that a customer failed to receive your email until the invoice goes over 30 days past due.
E-Billing in AdSystem 6 has recently been enhanced to overcome these difficulties. This updated version of E-Billing offers:
- Full HTML Invoices
- Clickable links to open ad copy or tear sheets
- Delivery tracking to identify when invoices are opened or images are clicked
- Expanded reporting to show missing email addresses, unsent invoices, undelivered invoices, delivered invoices, etc.
- Selective invoice printing so that you can print and mail physical invoices only to those customers that did not receive them via e-mail
This update is available free of charge to AdSystem Online customers, and to Release 6 customers covered by an active Support Agreement. If you are not currently using AdSystem Release 6, contact our sales department for information on upgrading.
Credit Card Module Revised
AdSystem’s Credit Card Module has been recently enhanced to allow direct submission of your credit card transactions to your processor without the need to rely on PC-Charge. This updated version of the credit card module works with Chase Paymentech and dozens of other processors nationwide. The updated Credit Card Module is available for AdSystem Release 6.
Events Module Enhanced
AdSystem’s Events Module has been recently enhanced as follows:
- You can define sponsorships, exhibit sales and ad sales for each event, along with budgets for each.
- An enhanced Events Sales Report breaks down event sales into sponsorships, exhibit sales and ad sales, and shows budget comparison for each.
- An enhanced Sales Rep recap on Events Sales Report breaks out each rep’s sales in the 3 categories.
This update is available free of charge to AdSystem 6 customers having the Events Module and who are covered by an active Support Agreement. If you are not currently using AdSystem Release 6, contact our sales department for information on upgrading.
Installment Billings
In prior releases of AdSystem it was difficult to handle installment billings. This new release, however, makes it easy and automatic.
You can set up a contract consisting of any combination of print ads, web ads, events and other items. You can then specify that the contract is to be billed on an installment basis, and establish a billing schedule. The billing schedule doesn’t need to correspond to the ad schedule.
For example, a contract might include six ads in one publication, three ads in another, a directory listing and a website banner ad. The total contract amount could then be divvied up into monthly invoices whose totals don’t need to match the ads which run that month. Adsystem will generate invoices for the contract according to the billing schedule.
Upgrade to AdSystem Release 6
If you are still on AdSystem 5, you are missing out on hundreds of time-saving and powerful new features, such as:
- Integrated Artwork and Ad Thumbnails
- Electronic Invoicing & Tear Sheets
- Dozens of New Reports
- Improved Production Tracking
- Faster Speed
You can get information on upgrading your current Adsystem to Release 6 by clicking here. We can provide pricing information, and can arrange to show you the many ways that your company will benefit by upgrading.