AdSystem Online Update – October 2016
AdSystem 6.1 was released in October 2016 with the following new features:
Electronic Invoicing
Historically the problem with emailing billings to customers has been the fact that you never know whether or not the customer received the bill. Spam firewalls, bad email addresses and employee turnover all create a problem with emailed invoices. If your emailed bill isn’t received or routed to the the correct person, you aren’t going to get paid, and you may not realize it until the invoice is past due.
AdSystem’s Electronic Invoicing feature solves this problem by sending invoices as graphical emails. When the recipient views or opens the email and selects show pictures then our server is notified. Electronic Invoices also offer the recipient the option of opening the tear sheet or ad copy. AdSystem keeps track of which invoices have been opened and which tear sheet links have been clicked, allowing you to determine whether or not an invoice was received.
Using Electronic Invoicing, typically you will email one or more invoices and then check a few days later to see which invoices were opened and which ones were not. If any invoices remain unopened after several days you can call or email the customer to make sure the invoice was received.
Electronic Invoicing allows you to save paper and postage and improve your receivables by getting billings into the right hands more quickly than ever before. Electronic Invoicing is a free feature for all AdSystem Online customers. If you’d like to take advantage of Electronic Invoicing, please contact Datafest support and we’ll be happy to set it up for you.
E-Mail Connector
AdSystem’s E-Mail Connector allows you to connect AdSystem with your various email systems. Any incoming and outgoing emails can be automatically picked up and assigned to appropriate accounts in AdSystem.
E-mail is such a vital way of communicating with customers. Using the E-Mail connector, any correspondence between you and your customers can be preserved on the AdSystem activity log. It doesn’t matter whether you send the email using AdSystem, using your mobile device or using some third party email client such as Office 365 or Gmail. Emails are assigned to accounts as long as a contact person with the email address is assigned to the account.
The E-Mail connector is a free feature of AdSystem Online, provided that you have CRM licenses for your users. It supports all major email servers, including Office 365, Gmail, Exchange and any other email server that supports IMAP. If you’d like to set up the E-Mail connector, please contact Datafest Support.
User-Definable Payment Types
AdSystem now allows you to define your own payment types. In the past you had to choose from the predefined types: Cash / Credit Card / Wire Transfer / Money Order. With the new update, you can add your own types to the list, and the Cash Receipts Report will subtotal by your new payment types.
New Lists
The built-in lists supported by AdSystem’s CRM have been expanded. New lists have been added for Accounts by Sales Status and My Accounts by Sales Status.
The AdSystem 6.1 update will be rolled out automatically to all AdSystem Online customers in the coming weeks. If you are anxious to get the update installed more quickly, please contact our support staff and we’ll be happy to help. Self-hosted AdSystem customers that have an active support agreement can download the update from our support site.