1 min read


AdRep Mobile is a component of AdRep Online that is designed for smartphones (iPhone and Android).

AdRep Mobile gives you access to the most critical information while on the go. With your mobile phone, you can access the information you need to keep in touch with advertisers, check and order information, and log activities. AdRep Mobile uses your AdSystem database to allow you to see account phone numbers, addresses, contacts, ad orders, and activities in real-time. Simply click the address of an advertiser and let your phone native mapping application guide you there.

Calling the company or any of your AdSystem contacts is easy with AdRep Mobile, by clicking directly on the listed phone number.

Because it uses your AdSystem database, any activities logged in AdRep Mobile will automatically appear in your AdSystem database, and all account changes made to AdSystem will be updated in AdRep Mobile. Enhance your communication with advertisers and get the competitive edge with AdRep Mobile.

For information on AdRep Mobile, click here or send an email with your request to sales@datafest.com.
